3 Tier Straight Picture Book Shelf

Reading Nook With Books Storage shelves
2 Sided Book Shelf
2 Sided Jumbo book shelf for Library picture books.
Colors as per choice…
Note:- Carriage will be on actual basis.
Categories: 3 to 5 years, 6 to 8 years, Library Furniture
Additional information
Weight | 24 kg |
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Shipping & Delivery

We'll assemble and organize your shipment in our warehouse, even by room or learning area.
Goods arrive when you need them,from one source in a way that makes it easy to get your space ready.
Our shippers are contracted to bring goods into your building, where you need them.
- We import superior quality Learning Resources from various countries for our clients.
- Orders are shipped in a timely manner and any request, great of small, is handled in a
personal and professional manner. - Our pricing to be very competitive and and delivery time to be the best of all suppliers.
- Inventors are well established educational furniture manufacturers,producing high quality furniture for schools & colleges.
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