24-Hour NumberLine Clock
A clock is just a circular number line. Once children understand this, learning to tell the time becomes easier.
The innovative 24-Hour Number Line Clock teaching clock helps children learn time by physically transforming a number line onto a clock face.
It’s the hands-on way to go from counting to telling the time.
Help students see that a clock is simply a circular number line and change how they learn to tell time. Each Number Line Clock comes with a clock frame, snap-on minute and hour hands, and 2 reversible number lines – 1 for hours and 1 for minutes. Simply bend the number lines into a circle, connect the ends, put them into the clock face, snap on the hands, and you’ve created a clock
A hands-on way to go from counting to telling time
Deepens understanding by visualizing the connection between a number line and time
Color-coding helps kids recognize groups of 5 minutes
Innovative, patent-pending design revolutionizes how kids learn time
What’s Included:
1 Student clock (4”)
4 Getting started activities
Weight | 3 kg |
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