Kids Multi-Purpose Sensory & LegoTable
For Kids Age 3 years -7 years
Sensory table with small & medium tubs Rs. 30,200/-
Sensory table with 2 Small tubs Rs.29,600/-
Sensory table with 2 medium tubs Rs. 31,200/-
Chair Price Rs. 5,500/- each
2 Chairs Price Rs. 11,000/-
Shipping Charges for Lahore Rs. 2,000/-
Shipping Charges for other cities Rs. 2,500/-
Material: Imported Canadian Yellow Pine Wood
White Lid Cover : 8mm Sheet
Size: 33" L x 21" W x 22 "h
Tubs Dimentions: small (L16" W 12" D 3") Medium (L 16" W12" D 3") Large ( L 16" W 12" D 12")Solid Beach Wood & MDF white lids & Trofast Storage tubs included
Weight | 8 kg |
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